July 25th, 2023. Theme Food being weaponised; Fertilizer being weaponised. Tweets, videos and quotations. Prigozhin displaced. Who will fill his shoes? Highly recommend Scott Ritter but also Margaret MacMillan interviews

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Bill Browder


25th July 2023

Met with Sen. Tim Scott, Republican candidate for President. When I asked about his position on US support for Ukraine, he was unequivocal “It’s in the US national security interest that Ukraine defeats Russia”. A breath of fresh air. All candidates should repeat those words.



Bill Browder


·25th July 2023

South African media outlet Daily Maverick, who regularly reports on Russian corruption in Afirca has their accreditation for Russia-Africa Summit revoked


ACCREDITATION FLIP-FLOP: Access denied — Daily Maverick barred from Russia-Africa Summit after…

The publication’s accreditation to cover the Summit in St Petersburg this week, was rescinded without explanation on the eve of departure.


Mikhail Khodorkovsky


25th July 2023

Putin’s seizure of Danone’s business in Russia should come as no surprise, because this is how the mafia regime has always operated. Believe me, I know this as well as anybody – after all, the same thing happened to me twenty years ago




The Japan Times


Note Date:

Japan is considering spending over ¥1 trillion on a new stimulus package to cushion the impact of surging energy, commodity and grain prices stemming from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

japantimes.co.jp Japan looks to spend ¥1 trillion on fresh stimulus amid price surge The package will mainly see increased support for sectors that rely on fuel or grain, such as the

Glasnost Gone Retweeted

Ursula von der Leyen


25th July 2023

I firmly condemn the Russian strikes on Ukrainian grain storage and export infrastructure. As Russia continues its ruthless war, we continue to support Ukraine.   Today we paid another €1.5 billion, to help keep the state running and repair infrastructure.   More will come.




Russian delegation led by defense chief Shoigu to visit North Korea July 25-27 — top brass: https://tass.com/politics/16514


The Moscow Times


25th July 2023

The rate of capital flight relative to GDP hit 13% in 2022, breaking the previous record of 11% seen both in 2008 and 2014.

themoscowtimes.com Russia Loses Record $253Bln in Wartime Capital Flight A record $253 billion has been pulled out of Russia since the start of its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the Russian Central Bank has


The Moscow Times


25th July 2023

“Russia’s preferential right to acquire shares is realized regardless of the preferential rights of other persons,” a draft decree reportedly says.

themoscowtimes.com Moscow Seeks ‘Super Priority’ Over Exiting Strategic Foreign Companies – Interfax Russia will receive “super priority” rights in acquiring the assets of strategic foreign companies that leave the country, Interfax reported

The Moscow Times


24th July 2023

Thousands of transgender Russians will no longer be able to legally access gender-affirming services under the new law.

themoscowtimes.com Putin Signs Gender Reassignment Ban Into Law President Vladimir Putin on Monday signed a controversial law that bans legal and surgical sex changes, a move that deprives transgender Russians of the right to access gender-affirming services. …


Novaya Gazeta Europe


25th July 2023

IAEA experts discover anti-personnel mines on the periphery of Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant Any detonation of these mines should not affect the site’s nuclear safety and security systems, IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi said.

novayagazeta.eu IAEA experts find mines near Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant — Novaya Gazeta Europe Experts of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) have discovered anti-personnel mines on the periphery of Ukraine’s

SPRAVDI — Stratcom Centre


25th July 2023

Lukashenko threatens to use Wagner PMC mercenaries against Poland and the west of Ukraine. This shows the despair of Lukashenko and Putin who can’t prevent Ukraine from receiving military assistance from Poland 



The New Voice of Ukraine


25th July 2023

Despite official announcements of the Wagner Group PMC getting disbanded, its fighters continue to be well-compensated.

english.nv.ua Wagner mercenaries continue to receive salaries – report Despite official announcements of the Wagner Group PMC getting disbanded, its fighters continue to be well-compensated, Russian media outlet Mozhem Obyasnit reported via Telegram on July 24.


The New Voice of Ukraine


24th July 2023

Russia may embark on a hybrid aggression against NATO, employing mercenaries from PMC Wagner Group.


Russia may use Wagner mercenaries to attack NATO through Poland, Baltics – Presidential advisor

Russia may embark on a hybrid aggression against NATO, employing mercenaries from PMC Wagner Group, Presidential Office advisor




25th July 2023

The Russian Ministry of Defence reports that last night the AFU tried to attack Russian patrol ship “Sergey Kotov, which was performing tasks in the southwestern part of the Black Sea, with two unmanned maritime drones. Both drones were reportedly destroyed.



Ukrainska Pravda in English


 Polish Ministry of Defence Reacted to Reports of Joint Training of Wagner Mercenaries and Belarusian Army


Polish Ministry of Defence Reacted to Reports of Joint Training of Wagner Mercenaries and Belarus…

The Polish Ministry of Defence has responded to reports of training involving “Wagner Group” mercenaries and the Belarusian


@nexta_tv25th July 2023

Chekists warned #Putin at least 3-4 days in advance that #Prigozhin might be preparing an uprising, writes The Washington Post, citing sources. As a result, the security of strategic facilities was strengthened, including the #Kremlin, where the number of guards was increased… Show more



The Economist


25th July 2023

“He is a difficult man, not a simple man. It’s a mistake to think of him as some kind of stupid criminal…He’s very smart and very dangerous”

economist.com Abominable showman: the rise of Wagner’s Yevgeny Prigozhin Putin created him. Could the outspoken mercenary become the next president?


Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya


25th July 2023

A free, democratic Belarus is key to peace in Europe. Lasting peace cannot be achieved as long as Lukashenka harbors Russian forces, nuclear weapons & Wagner war criminals, using them to threaten our neighbors & oppress our people. To all our friends: our freedom is your freedom!



Euan MacDonald


25th July 2023

The ruins of #Bakhmut after the arrival of the Russian World. A city that was home to more than 73K people deliberately obliterated by fascist Russia. Savagery and barbarism.


Glasnost Gone


25th July 2023

Russia’s oil revenues down thanks to sanctions “embargo & price cap of some countries.” Price of  flagship Urals oil blend averaged $56 a barrel in the 2nd quarter & traded almost 30% below the benchmark Brent blend – Russian central bank said today. https://theguardian.com/world/live/2023/jul/25/russia-ukraine-war-live-moscow-drone-strike-kyiv-un-mines-zaporizhzhia-plant?CMP=share_btn_tw&page=with%3Ablock-64bfaadd8f08678d00cf9564#block-64bfaadd8f08678d00cf9564



Glasnost Gone


25th July 2023

And hapless Shoigu will beg for ammo, because Mordor can’t make any.





25th July 2023

#Lithuania offered the #EU to use the Baltic ports to export #Ukrainian grain after the deal failed. The EC stated that they are ready to use this option for exporting grain.





25th July 2023

#Ukraine will continue to strike at the #Crimean bridge, Defense Minister Oleksii #Reznikov said in an interview with #CNN. He called these targets “official” because hitting them would “reduce the ability of the occupiers to fight against us and help to save the lives of… Show more



The New Voice of Ukraine


25th July 2023

The June mutiny of the Wagner Group PMC has exposed the weakness of Russia’s political system and launched the process of “transit of power.”

english.nv.ua Wagner mutiny launched ‘transit of power’ in Russia – defense minister Reznikov The June mutiny of the Wagner Group PMC has exposed the weakness of Russia’s political system and launched the process of “transit of power,” Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov said in an…


Meduza in English


25th July 2023

Ukrainian state-run energy company Energoatom says that power unit 4 of the Zaporizhzhia NPP has been put into a “hot shutdown” state, which poses risks because the unit’s equipment has been idle for a long time, and has not been maintained or repaired.


Ukraine says unit 4 at Zaporizhzhia NPP put into ‘hot shutdown’ state, claims it could lead to…

Ukrainian state-run company Energoatom says that power unit No. 4 of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant (ZNPP), which is controlled by


Meduza in English


25th July 2023

Russia’s Health Ministry is poised to limit access to medication abortions soon, but sources told


that the Russian Orthodox Church is the main force behind the initiative—and that it hopes to secure more expansive restrictions in the future.

meduza.io ‘Church and state have long since fused together’ Why Russian religious leaders’ efforts to… Last week, at a plenary session of the Russian State Duma, Health Minister Mikhail Murashko laid out his extremely regressive vision of


Anders Åslund


24th July 2023

Putin went once again to the Valaam Monastery in Russia’s northern republic of Karelia on Monday and received communion there. This is Putin’s place of pilgrimage with his favorite priest. It does suggest that Putin is shaken

kremlin.ru Посещение Валаама


Ukrainian Community in



25th July 2023

UN watchdog staff warn of Russian mines around occupied nuclear plant


UN watchdog staff warn of Russian mines around occupied nuclear plant | BreakingNews.ie

International Atomic Energy Agency director-general Rafael Grossi condemned the presence of explosives at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant.



MFA of Ukraine 


25th July 2023

On July 23-24,  Minister


made history’s first-ever bilateral visit to  Equatorial Guinea. During the visit, the Minister discussed joint efforts to maintain #grain exports from Ukrainian ports, intensification of bilateral relations, and other crucial issues.



MFA of Ukraine 


25th July 2023

Thanks to the #GrainDeal, over half of the global supply by the


has been covered by  Ukrainian grain. Therefore, we must ensure that ussian #HungerGames blackmail fails and guarantee unhindered Ukrainian food exports without relying on Russian approvals



MFA of Ukraine


25th July 2023

By killing the #GrainDeal,  Russia increased grain prices, leaving behind those in need in developing countries worldwide, especially in Somalia, Ethiopia, South Sudan, and Yemen. We must stop Russia’s #HungerGames and ensure global food security NOW.



Hunger is actually the worst weapon of mass destruction. It claims millions of victims each year.

Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva


The war against hunger is truly mankind’s war of liberation.

John F. Kennedy


Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.

Dwight D. Eisenhower


Hunger is insolent, and will be fed.



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