We all hope this is a proper Inquiry, not just a Tour Guide exercise, The McCabe family deserve Respect from every Citizen on this Island, they showed with Courage and Principle. People can beat Massive Corruption. We will wait, time will tell? Drew Harris, I am sure he is Aware the Enemy in this case was from within An Garda Siochana, and many Rogues are still serving, which is Shocking.

Home»ireland McCabe social workers to face inquiry   Saturday, February 29, 2020 – 05:30 AM Three social workers involved in

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Harris should not have made a Statement that he will not Clarify the Timing of his Statement in relation to Sinn Fein / IRA. Something does not add up here. What is the real Agenda? The answer is simple. It is to undermine Sinn Fein and the people who Voted in the 2020 Elections. Harris most probably got his intelligence from PSNI RUC MI5/6 sources. Shady and omnious are words that come to mind. Then again Harris Swore an Oath to the Queen and “his” country?

‘I have no regrets’ – Harris ‘stands over’ his comments on Sinn Féin and IRA Commissioner Drew Harris. Photo: Kyran

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The unemployed Loner, Plane owner, from Crumlin to West Galway and around the world. Collins for years was under the Radar and made millions. He was caught by total Accident, for driving under the influence of Cannabis. Question is: how many more men like Collins are out there? Not forgetting he was a diligent Bee Keeper who invested in Bitcoin.

ONE TO POT Kinahan Cartel drug dealer who lost €54m bitcoin pictured as CAB files reveal he blames ‘cannabis addiction’

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Who is behind the Mail in comparing Sinn Fein meetings to Nazi Rallies? Leo and Martin, are stooping to a new Low in Irish Politics. We can all dig up the past – the Blueshirts, Arms Trials, Tribunals, and the Corruption within FF and FG. They remind me of a Rabbit caught in Headlights, but this time the Lights are the Irish People, they voted for Change?

Source:  Twitter Esteban @ActingTheGom · 37m How hard can it be. #SinnFein #rtept PETER HITCHENS reports: “Who let the IRA

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Charlie Flanagan, Justice Caretaker at present, stated over the past 3 years that the Gardai were winning the war on illegal Drugs. Fake News. It reminds me of Michael McDowell, some years ago, saying the War on Gangland has been won and the famous saying that haunts him to this day is “the last sting of a dying bee”. My reply is: Some size of Bee!

Retired Garda Sergeant tries to report ‘drug deal’ in Donegal pub but nobody available to respond due to cuts 23

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The appointment of a former RUC officer with a manic fixation on the IRA to the position of Garda Commissioner in the Republic of Ireland. We must now ask if Commissioner Harris has officially joined Fine Gael? “Their” goal is to keep Sinn Fein out of Government. My question is: Who does Commissioner Harris really answer to because we all know he has serious MI6 connections?

Politics Garda chief Drew Harris believes Provisional Army Council oversees Sinn Fein and IRA – 21/02/2020 Garda Commissioner Drew Harris

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