From Boris Johnson’s overbearing hugs to Vladimir Putin’s shirtless horse riding, politicians often use outright aggression to dominate their rivals — as do some of our closest animal relatives. But a successful leader needs more than physical intimidation to become an alpha. Source: POLITICOEurope

POLITICOEurope @POLITICOEurope ·Jul 26 From Boris Johnson’s overbearing hugs to Vladimir Putin’s shirtless horse riding, politicians often use outright aggression

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Sinn Fein Bleat about the housing crisis, the homeless in Ireland, but they also are prone to objecting at Council level. But in the meantime Bartra are building social houses and hospitals …. Source July 2022 Bartra newsletter. Note the links to China and immigration. Capitalism is driving this market. The Government is laughing all the way to the bank as politicians squabble in the Dail and effectively have no input other than rhetoric to the housing needs of vulnerable Irish people.

Despite building supply shortages, the higher cost of construction projects and the inflation rate, Bartra strives to build more valuable

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