Summer 2022: Pandemic COVID-19 countered thankfully by vaccines but alas War destroys lives; 24th February 2022 and Russia invaded sovereign nation state Ukraine, a population of 40 million people; while conjuring up a plan to starve Europe from gas and oil through Nordstream 1 and Nordstream 2. Then the third string to their arrow was famine prone countries in Africa and South America reliant on grain, potatoes, fertilizers. Russia is the real SLEUTH in the horrors of war that is Europe and which we left behind after World War II. Some tweets to cast away any war fatigue and awaken people to the horrors of this war and what it means for Europe and how Ukraine people are fighting for both themselves and those of us who are vulnerable in the West. Recommend Der Spiegel article below and how Germany is making plans now and WHY?

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Glasnost Gone


Remember. It’s not just Putin. The Russian people also have blood on their hands – blood that will never wash off. #Ukraine



Glasnost Gone Retweeted

Christopher Miller


30th July 2022





are at it again, capturing incredible moments of Russia’s destruction. First photo, by Mstyslav, shows Zhenya running from a fire in a wheat field started by Russian artillery. Second photo, by Zhenya, shows the intensity of the blaze



Glasnost Gone Retweeted

Mariana Betsa


30th July 2022

Two 17 years old twin brothers from Mokhnatyn in Chernihiv region – born together, killed by Russians together. Kids, who were just walking in the village… #StopRussia #StandWithUkraine



Glasnost Gone Retweeted

Olga Kerziouk


30th July 2022

“Evening Standard” yesterday. #Wagner #StopRussianAggression #StopRussiaNOW #StandWithUkraine



Glasnost Gone Retweeted

Defence of Ukraine


Ukraine government organization

This is not #Banksy This is the Ukrainian spirit of resistance… Art by Yura Shapoval.



Business Ukraine mag


Important thread: why it is obvious that Russia staged the mass murder of Ukrainian POWs in Olenivka

Thomas C. Theiner


Olenivka POW massacre thread :

1) it wasn’t a GMLRS rocket

2) it was a thermobaric weapon

3) russia staged it and did so (as usual) incompetently

Firstly: keeping POWs so close to the front violates Article 19 of the Third Geneva Convention making it a war crime. 1/n



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Oleg Nikolenko


Ukraine government official

Read this when they tell you Russia must not be isolated. There is no difference between Russian diplomats calling for execution of Ukrainian prisoners of war and Russian troops doing it in Olenivka. They are all ACCOMPLICES in these war crimes and must be held accountable.



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Danylo Mokryk


The videos from Olenivka, distributed by Russia, show fire damage that is not consistent with the sort of damage a HIMARS strike would likely cause, according to


Russians lie.


Business Ukraine mag


Important thread: why it is obvious that Russia staged the mass murder of Ukrainian POWs in Olenivka

Christopher Miller


Just about everything these days passes thru Dnipro: Western arms rushed to the front, military reinforcements, humanitarian aid, and more. Dnipro Mayor Borys Filatov is key to making sure it all goes smoothly. I dropped in on him en route to the Donbas.

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